After a few weeks of being up and down on this roller-coaster we call life, I had a great date night, we went to the cinema, answer watched Venom, great movie, described as a Horror, Sci-Fi. Think it should add comedy to that. Visual effects were great, the only little thing was the family of noisy people, who can't eat quietly...😫
How time goes so fast! Dear Reader , January has gone so fast, I found out that other peoples actions impact on our own lives. And some people don't understand how their actions affect others, even later on after the event!. So now having to work three times as hard just to get back to where I was. Though as my Dad pointed out, if you dont look after yourself, then all you worked for , will be lost , when it is you that drive it. Unfortunately he is correct. It's hard work sometimes life! , but I guess it would be boring if it was a breeze. I have been researching a lot lately, on so many different subjects. mainly on trying to get money streams , and save money. Well onwards and upwards, I thought I would add a couple of pictures my very talented daughter did! the first is my Mum.. and the second is My Nan... Such a talented daughter I have.... Early hours of the 5th of Feb 2018 Well I ...
Where is this year going !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear reader, Where is this year going? Almost May already! I have woken up today (23/04/2019) with a cleaning bug started on the kitchen, which has now been cleaned, Now tackling my back room, It is meant to be the dining room, but is more a multi-function space, it is not a room for dining at the moment. I had a hard night last night, many different thoughts, and thinking things over, the only thing I can change is what I have direct control over, Me! So I hope to push forward with my plans, and I am now having to get back organised as with my volunteering with my old squadron, helping the next generation. I am surprised that it's been nearly a year officially with the gf. had a few knocks lately, with my friend Linda passing away, was always bubbly, we all hide ...
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