New day! ,New week!

Wise words


Dear Reader, 

Last night, I had a phone conversation with one of my customers and a valued friend who has known me for nearly 30 years! , with my situation with relationship etc. He came up with a really good analogy He said: " You would not re-use a dirty plate, you would wash it first, or use a clean one."  It was so true.  It has helped, So today is a new day, and the start of a new week, so I have got up this morning, instead of trying to push through the night. like I usually do

I also read on the net the other day, that you should make your bed. So that at least you achieved one of the tasks of everyday life, and if you have a bad day, at least your bed is made, when you get into it! how true.

So this may have helped as well, I had a good dinner last night, and not too late.  Southern Fried chicken, Jacket Potatoes, and Mushy Peas

and it was very nice too! :) 

and My Son cooked his and his girlfriend himself! will miracles never cease?

well, I wish you all a good day !!!


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