March already !!!!

MARCH 2018

Dear Reader,

So I start off March 2018 with another cold - Cough,  Lemsip Max+ blackcurrant to the rescue...

As we are going through March I am still battling through my feelings,  People don't realise that their action's effect other peoples lives and they get on with their lives, doing what they like, without a care and the other person is left with the fallout... 

I try and stay positive but I  am a realist. and I can see what is going to happen before it is going to happen. I just can't understand why life has been so hard lately.

But life goes on regardless, Speaking to My Dad, yesterday, and he admitted that I had not had an easy life, in-fact I had coped with a lot from a young age, 

I need my theme tune

This has been my theme tune, since the 80's, I love the words to this  © Nick Kershaw 
I think I need to listen to it again.

So once again still awake to the wee small hours, as I just not sleeping right :(


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