February 2018 continued......

February Continued....

Dear Reader,

I have always  tried  to push myself forward, but sometimes life and situations just make it so hard to keep pushing forward.

This month, so far has been hard emotionally. bit I am hanging on in there.

As my Dad says " their is a fine line between sane and insanity..." 

Sleeping has been hard, dont sleep well, then crash out on the couch. 

this is not good! but as they say no pain!, no gain! 

They always say everything happens for a reason! really would like to know!

Been up since 3am  so far this morning had my Breakfast at 6 and I am multi tasking, doing washing,  Tumbling and Working, I worry about my health as not sleeping well is probably not good, but as there is only me ( most of the time) doing stuff.  my son helps a little, but time is in short supply

Well back to work 


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