Heading towards Christmas fast

December, Christmas is near.

Update on the car- from last months post

Well from my previous post, Car had major surgery, as I  looked around and found sometimes it is better the devil you do know, than the devil you don't. it was the worst case scenario, the head gasket had gone. It has now been repaired. so I am back up and running. 

Heading towards Christmas!

After what has been happening in my life, over the past few years, It got me thinking... 
At Christmas, when a lot of people are having fun and enjoying themselves, and are with their significant other, spare a thought for the ones who are not so lucky, I am lucky that I have great kids, but after what I have been through, and being on the receiving end, and not having any say in whats happening, A relationship is about two people. but when one decides to break that trust, do what she likes, and not care what after spending half of my life so far with the same person, and then to be betrayed, and broken, it has taken a lot to get my head back in the game, thanks to some amazing friends. But I hope things are going to look up.for next year. 


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